29 March 2008

Government cashes in another USD 15 Million at the people’s expense!

On March 2008, with the “excuse” to help the Tsunami victims, the government has borrowed another USD 15 million from the Saudi fund. This loan has a grace period of three years and has to be repaid within 10 years at an interest of three percent. Basically very little has been done for the Tsunami victims after all these years. Whatever that has been done, mostly it has been help from international organizations and NGOs. Despite this bleak record, the government is again borrowing more money from the Saudi Fund, with the excuse to help Tsunami victims. But we all know what the money is really for! It will be to increase the campaign coffers of DRP an Gayyoom. They will use this money mostly to “buy” votes to help reelect the dictator to an unprecedented 7th term as President.
The government is taking millions of dollars in advance (for 10 years in some cases) from resort developers. They are using the income of the future generations to finance their campaign of a corrupt dictator. And they are borrowing money from various international organizations. These loans to be repaid to Saudi Fund and various other bodies would eventually have to be repaid by the future generations. Gayyoom has taken the current generations for a slimy ride of 30 years, and he is now taking the future generations for a poverty-stricken-ride too. Oh Allah! When will we be saved from this brutal and heartless man?

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