22 September 2008

DO Sappe Made a mistake in endorsing Gasim!

Buruma Gasim, would be a dangerous choice. Anyone who controls private television channels and radio stations and who does business in virtually all areas would have conflict of interests. If one listens to resignation speech of Thoyyib, who resigned from Gasim’s Villa TV recently, one can imagine the dangers of electing Gasim as a president of this country. Gasim is a good philanthropist who has helped a number of Maldivians in areas such as education and health. But that is no justification to elect Gasim as our president. We don’t want to build a socialist system of governance where we would have to beg Gasim for everything. If we elect Gasim, we would see the vultures that surround him, descend on the government and share the wealth of the state amongst them.
Dhivehi Observer’s Editor, Sappe, made a mistake in endorsing Gasim’s candidacy. We, the people of this country, should not make the same mistake that Sappe made. In fact, I believe that electing Gasim would be even more dangerous than even electing Gayyoom! Let’s say “No” to Gayyoom and to Gasim as well.


  1. Anonymous23/9/08 01:04

    actually, he did not. anni actually HAS a chance of winning now, from what the situation currently looks like. that would mean, if sappey didn't switch sides he would loose his job of defaming the leader. now that he is on gasim's side and everyone knows that gasim will not actually win, sappey will have a wealthy guy to support him in the UK and he can continue his job of trying to bring democracy to the country lol.

  2. Anonymous23/9/08 09:50

    Sappe's decision was contrary to everything he was preaching. Intrestingly, Sappe choose to follow the shadow of an individual over principle. In that case that makes Sappe no different from Gayoom loyalists.

  3. Anonymous23/9/08 15:50

    Its not that Gasim is the greatest leader in the world n we dont care! We want some one sincere. Anni is a drug addict.We dont want a drug addict as a president.

  4. Anonymous23/9/08 21:44

    Dont assume the candidate you choose is the best and others make mistakes.

  5. Anonymous24/9/08 23:40

    we want someone who is sincere and clear from all these filthy things, such as corruption, drugs and so on. so don't vote for Gasim, Anni and Gayyoom.

  6. Anonymous27/9/08 02:01

    yea in my opnion Sappey made a big mistake, his public support will dwindle.

    Just look at Gasim, the man is smelly stinking with conflict of interest.

    If coperate tax law is enforced Gasim will have to pay a big chunk of his income as tax.

    He owns 10+ or so resorts, hence he's is one of the few people who has to pay a huge amount as Resort lease Rent and Bed Tax.

    He employs like 2000 people, staff benefits and labor law if enforced he will have pay a big chunck of his income.

    He is dominant in every industry in Maldives plus he retails consumer goods. He will be a threath to small businesses.

    Hence Sappey endorsed him knowing all these factors. Whats in it for Sappey. Well Gasim is one of the richest men in the country and Sappey expects some money in return. He did choose his own interest over public interest. Yet he advocates good governance, stopping corruption and democratic reform.

    Funny how some men who dont have the integrity to tell whats wrong cannot be right.

    He is playing dirty politics now.
