31 October 2008

Stop addressing the President as “Anni”!

Though he is the “friend” of all of us, we need to recognize the fact that his post deserves some respect. He is after all our president and we do not want even foreign dignitaries calling him “Anni”. So I suggest we stop addressing the president as “Anni” and start using his real name. Some of us have nicknames such as “Kokki”; but would we want us to be addressed as “Kokki” if we become president? Imagine being called “President Kokki”!


  1. very tru.. v all should make a conscious effort n stop calling "ANNI" to the president to be.. kz v dont call maummon as "manu".. no one has called him so .. so plz plz stop

  2. i m very pleased about your idea. i wrote about it before on comment but some one has critised me writing about stop calling elected president as Anni. maldivians are educated people . we should know how to respect the people.

  3. i agree. more so because he himself said he would like to be addressed as nasheed.
    "president nasheed"

  4. We called Maumoon Golhaabo?

    Anni is ok i guess.

    What next are we going to call anni, Lobuvethi Zaeem or Maai Manikfaan.

    People call him Anni, caz he made a personal contact with the people. Now you guys want to make him the god of democracy or something..... dont make him larger than life, lets call him president Anni or President Nasheed... whichever way we/us individuals prefer.

  5. His campaign billboards say " Vote for Anni" and now you want to call him Nasheed.

  6. In all elections ( both presidential, MP and party elections) he marketed himself Calling himself Anni.

    What has changed now. He got the post. Now do you think he wants people to call him nasheed.

  7. What will happen to Anni's partey ziattey?

  8. Anonymous1/11/08 00:24

    What will happen to Gayooms partey Yameen?

  9. Anonymous1/11/08 01:25

    bush. what are you trying to say? you want to make him another golhabo, or do you want to get attention from him?
    he is an ordinary person. he will be anni.

  10. Anonymous1/11/08 10:43

    As much as "Golhabo" should not be used, "Anni" should also not be used.

    The President of this nation deserves full respect as he represents the nation and its people.

    The title and respect does not mean we are over praising any person. It is simply that we respect the position that we, the people, created to run the nation. if we do not respect the highest position of this nation - who will?
