25 October 2008

The important spiritual message of the number 28.10.2008!

Did anyone ever pause to think about the incredible message hidden in the date of the second round of voting? Look closely at the date, 28th October 2008!

If you add the two digits in “28” you will get a total of 10. In digital numbers the number for the month of October is 10. If you add the two digits in “2008” you will get a total of 10. Hence, the date of 28th October 2008 is a representation of three tens! If you add these three tens it will be a total of 30! This is the number of years that Gayyoom would have ruled by the end of this term.

Another interesting observation is that if you write the numerical value of ten and add the two digits that makeup the number ten, you will come up with a figure of one! As we all know, one is the number that represents Allah – (Gulhuva Allah Ahad - one).

Hence we are voting on a day that numerically represents thirty. Insha Allah Gayyoom will not be able to rule over us for more than 30 years. That is one message we see in this auspicious date. Another message that we see is the message of one! Allah! This shows that the will of Allah will overrule any vicious and sinister forces that are arrayed against us. We should overcome fear and increase our faith and belief in Allah. This is a struggle for freedom and a struggle for our Islamic faith and the future of our children.

Please vote for change. This isn’t about Anni or MDP or anyone else. It’s about us. Our prosperity and our freedom. It’s about our Islamic faith. It’s about the future of our children. It’s about getting our country back to us. So vote for the MDP-Iththihaadh. Say “no” to Gayyoom and his nepotism. Think about the auspicious message hidden in the date of the voting. Its 10+10+10 equals thirty. The end of Gayyoom’s brutal regime. The day that we finally fly out of the cage – as free spirits - with the whole, wide world open before us.


  1. what does Adalat say about intepretation and belief in numbers.... hope they commnet like good islamic people..

  2. Come on... this sounds funny inegy. But I wonder why on earth people are making fun of Reeko Ibrahim manik for his "forecasting according to stars"?? Numbers in itself does not have any thing on them. Had u mentioned this as the important coincidence... fine..we wont bother. But just wonder why you says it as the "The important spiritual message..." This really doesn't sound a very meaningful one. At least that's what I felt

  3. kekeke rwe that desperate?

    Don't worry bro, hopefully we will see th back of maumoon anyday now...then you would have your revenge.....retribution is at hand

    thats an interesting bit of math, but lets not try and feed or play into peoples supersitions

    those of us who are openly critical of the mdp and its policies, its associates, we are still with the 'wathan edhey gothah'......we r with the people, we are voting maumoon out, and then we will vote anni out...

    let anni or maumoon make no mistake that our patience runs very thin...n we hav maumoon to thank for that

  4. The 30 in your numerical analysis is indeed 30 years of Maumoon rule. The one represents Candidate No: 1. You can cook the numbers but the reality is that the stars prefer Maumoon.

  5. no, i don't like to believe that the day we hold has any spiritual message. what does the numerals of the islamic calendar for this day represent (didn't care to check, i know it's just nonsense) or the chinese calendar? for once, i would like to say your article fails to inspire me.

  6. driving going around Male today I saw 3 guys. They looked so nothing like empty holes. that reminds me of 3 holes or 3 and 0. see the coincidence.... so I saw 30 today. that must be a bad omen.

  7. Bushry,

    Numerology, tarot cards, crystal balls, tea reading, spells and all the other varieties of mysticism and beliefs are outdated and regarded as superstition today.

    It is not in the realm of the enlightened and educated and it certainly should never be used in such a way as to give it any sense of credibility.

    These numbers are meaningless. The only meaningful numbers are real data. Statistics. They are accurate and never lie. 60% of Dhivehin do not want Gayoom no matter what number crunching anyone does.

  8. Bushry is running short of ideas.Now he has to rely on pictures and numerical analysis to garner support.Similarly one Adhaalath speaker uses the pitch of his voice as opposed to convincing arguments to mystify the public

  9. Awesome work!!!,,,Bushry. You are a very prominent person in all the way to our fight against this dictator..We cherish today by keeping in mind all the efforts of writers like yr caliber..Thank You
